
You need an effective advertising campaign? Come and see us! 

The form and the content of a professional advertisement is as important as its carrier – the medium. We will put your message (medical information) in professional frames (form) and supply you with tools expected by the medical community – reprint, monographs, education forums, workshops and trainings for healthcare professionals.


Marta Nader
ul. Powsińska 34
02-903 Warszawa, Polska


Advertising Policy

  1. Medical Communications does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor.
  2. All advertisements (published in paper or on the Internet) are subject to approval of the Publisher or Editor. Medical Communications reserves the right to decline any type of advertising without providing the reason that infringes upon the interest of the Publisher or is not in breach with the applicable editorial policy, rules of law, both Polish and international, and the generally accepted rules in the field (including pharmaceutical law, the Pharmaceutical Industry Code of Good Practices developed by the Employers’ Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA as well as the guidelines of WAME – World Association of Medical Editors and ICMJE).
  3. Medical Communications will not accept advertising for products or services known to be harmful to health (namely tobacco and alcohol products), indecent or offensive in either text or artwork, or if they relate to content of a personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious nature.
  4. Advertisements should be precise, balanced, fair, objective and comprehensive so as to allow the customers to develop their own opinion on a particular product’s or service’s value.
  5. Advertisements may not provide misleading information, whether directly or indirectly, through the following: suggestion, omission, exaggeration, ambiguity or other method of providing distorted information about a particular product or service. Advertisements should clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered.
  6. In the case of drug advertisements, the full generic name of each active ingredient should appear. All advertisements for drugs should encourage correct and rational use and must not be misleading.
  7. Advertising that appears in the Publisher’s journal will be clearly marked and distinguishable from editorial content.
  8. Advertisers and sponsors have no prior information on editorial content, and the Editors will not shape particular issues so as to meet the advertisers’ expectations. The Publisher will not allow for a particular product’s advertisement to be in the vicinity of a scientific article mentioning the name of that product unless the article is clearly marked as sponsored content. In addition, advertising may not relate directly to any article that is published at the same time as the advertisement appears.
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  10. The Publisher provides for the possibility of reprint containing advertising or a note regarding a particular product or company. Entities interested in such service are kindly asked to contact the Publisher (e-mail:, tel.: +48 517 916 732).
  11. For enquiries regarding advertising that is beyond the standard frames set forth by Medical Communications, the Editors will issue a full and final decision within two working days following the date the enquiry has been received.
  12. Text, artwork and opinions included in advertisements belong with the advertiser solely and must not be deemed reflecting the Editors’ or the Publisher’s opinions. The Editors and the Publisher may not be held liable for any personal or material damage incurred in relation to advertising content. The advertisers shall secure the Publisher, its representatives and employees, and relieve them from any liability and any costs (including legal) and compensate for all losses caused by the publication of advertising that is deemed unauthorised, in case of, among others, claims for defamation, violation of privacy, breach of copyright or plagiarism.
  13. The applicable law regulating the issues discussed in this advertising policy shall have a priority over the aforementioned regulations.

Oświadczam, że posiadam prawo wykonywania zawodu lekarza i jestem uprawniony do otrzymywania specjalistycznych informacji medycznych. Chcę zapoznać się z informacją z serwisu.