Enuresis in children – definitions and treatment standards

Katarzyna Jobs, Anna Jung

Affiliation and address for correspondence
Pediatr Med rodz Vol 10 Numer 1, p. 32–35
DOI: 10.15557/PiMR.2014.0003
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Nocturnal enuresis in Poland concerns about 300 000 of 5–14-year-old children (SMG/KRC report). Opinion about psychical background of enuresis, which was obligatory earlier, cannot be confirmed in recent investigations. Lately new standardization documents were published. One of them was prepared by International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS) and published in 2006 and 2007. Periodic incontinence was divided into day and nocturnal, and nocturnal incontinence was called enuresis. Enuresis we can treat as both sign and disease. It is divided into primary and secondary, monosymptomatic and nonmonosymptomatic. In Poland document called Guidelines for evaluation and treatment concerned children with enuresis was published in 2012. It was prepared by expert groups of Polish Children’s Urology Society and Polish Children’s Nephrology Society. Enuresis is the term which define urinary incontinence while asleep in a child aged at least 5 years. We present here abbreviated version of pathogenesis, diagnostic methods and treatment of nocturnal enuresis.

nocturnal enuresis, children, terminology, diagnostics, treatment

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