Assessment of physical development and nutrition status in children beginning education in sports primary school

Zbigniew Krenc1,2, Paulina Przybylska1

Affiliation and address for correspondence
Pediatr Med rodz Vol 9 Numer 4, p. 357–362

Introduction: Sports schools play crucial role in promotion of physical activity by organized sports participation. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate physical development and nutrition status in children beginning education in sports primary school (athletic profile). Material and methods: The research was carried out in the group of 41 children beginning education in sports elementary school and in group of 46 children beginning education in common primary school. The anthropometric measurements (height, weight) with body mass index (BMI) and skinfolds measurements were performed in the examined groups. Results: No significant differences between groups occurred for basic anthropometric measurements (height, weight, BMI). Extreme values some of these parameters were more common in children from sports school, e.g. tall stature (height above the 95th centile) and obesity (BMI above the 95th centile). Underweight (weight below the 5th centile), short stature (height below the 5th centile) and malnutrition (BMI below the 5th centile) were observed only in children from sports school. Thickness of skinfolds (subscapular, suprailiac, crural) were statistically lower in children from sports school. Conclusions: Basic anthropometric measurements (height, weight, BMI) were not significantly different between groups, but extreme values of these parameters were more common in children from sports school. Thickness of subscapular, suprailiac and crural skinfolds were statistically lower in children from sports school.

physical development, nutrition status, physical activity, children, sports school

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