The parental attitudes and emotional functioning amongst parents of children with chronic kidney disease

Dorota Szałowska1,2,  Eliza Pilarz3, Marcin Tkaczyk2

Affiliation and address for correspondence
Pediatr Med rodz Vol 9 Numer 3, p. 276–281

Introduction: Chronic diseases in children, besides the influence on their health and mental status, change the life of the whole family. Aim of the study: Estimation of the parental attitudes and emotional functioning amongst parents of children with chronic kidney disease. Material and methods: Study group consisted of 22 parents of children with chronic kidney disease. The disease was diagnosed at least three months before the study. The children were treated in a tertiary paediatric nephrology centre. Twenty age-matched parents of healthy children served as controls. For the analysis 5 questionnaires were used: 1) clinical and epidemiological; 2) STAI X-1, STAI X-2; 3) Beck’s Depression Inventory; 4) CECS; 5) Plopa’s questionnaire of parental attitudes. Results: Parents with children with the chronic kidney disease had higher result in the test which estimated the level of depression and the level of fear. When parental attitudes were concerned, we observed the higher results in the protection in study group. Additionally, an inverse correlation between duration of the disease and level of fear was observed. Conclusion: The study clearly showed higher level of depression and fear in the parents of children with chronic kidney disease when compared with the parents from the control group. They also presented overprotection attitude. The intensity of fear in the study group decreased with the time of disease.

chronic kidney disease, depression, fear, children, parents

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