Effectiveness of topically applied ketoprofen gel
Brygida Kwiatkowska
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used in the management of acute and chronic pain. Conditions treated in this way include rheumatic diseases, and particularly degenerative disease, which is the third most common chronic disease in the general population. Selection of a NSAID requires consideration of several factors, e.g. patient’s age, type of pain (acute or chronic), coexisting diseases and concomitant medication. The incidence of degenerative disease increases with age, reaching 50–60% in persons over 75. In this age group, a frequent occurrence are comorbidities and comedications, which may considerably limit or even preclude systemic administration of NSAIDs. These patients may require – as first-line agents – topically administered NSAIDs. Ketoprofen gel provides the strongest analgetic and anti-inflammatory effect and a favourable safety profile. As concentration of the active substance in the skin, cartilage and meniscus is high and low in blood serum, ketoprofen is also recommended in the treatment of trauma pain.