Fundamental breastfeeding value for child health and development

Barbara Kowalewska-Kantecka

Affiliation and address for correspondence
Pediatr Med rodz Vol 7 Numer 4, p. 420-426

Breastfeeding is a gold standard of feeding newborn and infants that brings optimal somatic- psychomotor development and cognitive ability. Mother milk is species specific for human infants and also their irreplaceable, optimal food. Every child has natural right for his mother milk. The act of breastfeeding itself, as a mode of mother-infants interaction, may favour cognitive development. Taking milk directly from the breast has profound effects on both mother and her child. According to WHO and AAP recommendations breastfeeding should be the only food during first 6 months of life, and after introduction of complementary, solid food, this should be prolonged up to 12 months or longer. Unique value of mother milk depends on many specific bioactive agents that create requirement for optimal somatic and mental development. It is the most optimal food for brain development. Breastfeeding is irreplaceable source of immunoglobulins, bioactive growth promoters and anti-inflammatory agents, live activated leukocytes and immunomodulatory agents as well. Longchain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) in human milk have an effect on the chemical composition of the brain and enhance retinal and cortical function. This immunological properties are not to reconstruct on the formula. Specific properties of mother milk could significantly prevent or reducing the death rate of children under five. In this article short survey of breastfeeding concerning papers and the most important WHO, UNICEF worldwide recommendations, programs, declarations and strategies on the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding and International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes are presented.

breastfeeding, act of breastfeeding, immunological properties of mother milk, breastfeeding child’s development, International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes

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