Barrett’s oesophagus, reflux disease complication is a raising and important clinical issue. Basic diagnostic tool facilitating intestinal metaplasia diagnosis in squamous epithelium of lower part of oesophagus is endoscopy with histopathological samples. Because of high risk of malignant transformation endoscopic surveillance is required in patients with Barrett’s oesophagus. On the basis of histopathological type of lesion, length, and its location different procedure should be implemented. In the paper we discuss current treatment paradigm of Barrett’s oesophagus. Pharmacotherapy and anti‑reflux procedures can be implemented in patients with symptoms and without dysplasia. Endoscopic procedures (mucosectomy) or surgical (lower part of oesophagus removal) should be used in patients with high grade dysplasia and adenocarcinoma. In case of neoplastic lesion findings following rules should be used. Neoplastic lesion of low grade – endoscopic resection all visible lesions. In case of high grade neoplasia lesions endoscopic resection of all neoplastic lesions and all Barrett’s epithelium ablation is required. In case of patients with Barrett’s oesophagus and high grade dysplasia or intraepithelial carcinoma when oesophagus removal is planned they should be referred to surgical centers specialized in upper part of gastrointestinal tract cancer and dysplasia treatment." />

Treatment basics of Barrett’s oesophagus

Stanisław Wojtuń, Jerzy Gil, Michał Florek

Affiliation and address for correspondence
PEDIATR MED RODZ Vol 8 Numer 4, p. 308-314
Barrett’s oesophagus, reflux disease complication is a raising and important clinical issue. Basic diagnostic tool facilitating intestinal metaplasia diagnosis in squamous epithelium of lower part of oesophagus is endoscopy with histopathological samples. Because of high risk of malignant transformation endoscopic surveillance is required in patients with Barrett’s oesophagus. On the basis of histopathological type of lesion, length, and its location different procedure should be implemented. In the paper we discuss current treatment paradigm of Barrett’s oesophagus. Pharmacotherapy and anti‑reflux procedures can be implemented in patients with symptoms and without dysplasia. Endoscopic procedures (mucosectomy) or surgical (lower part of oesophagus removal) should be used in patients with high grade dysplasia and adenocarcinoma. In case of neoplastic lesion findings following rules should be used. Neoplastic lesion of low grade – endoscopic resection all visible lesions. In case of high grade neoplasia lesions endoscopic resection of all neoplastic lesions and all Barrett’s epithelium ablation is required. In case of patients with Barrett’s oesophagus and high grade dysplasia or intraepithelial carcinoma when oesophagus removal is planned they should be referred to surgical centers specialized in upper part of gastrointestinal tract cancer and dysplasia treatment.
Barrett’s oesophagus, endoscopic treatment, adenocarcinoma, oesophagus carcinoma, treatment

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