The aim of the study: Analyse the causes of children sent to cardiologic consultations during the duty. Material and methods: The study group consists of 432 children (226 girls and 206 boys, average 9.8 years), which in 2009-2010 were sent from emergency ward to cardiac consultation. The basic study of the circulatory system was performed: physical examination, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. In some patients there were additional blood samples for laboratory tests and chest radiographs performed. The results were analysed in age groups (infants, younger children and older children) as well as in the category of symptoms that were the reason for referral (syncope, fainting, chest pain, symptoms of heart defects, arrhythmia, hypertension). Results: The most common group were older children (257 cases – 60%) and sequentially 96 younger children (22%) and 79 infants (18%). In the category of symptoms the most frequent cause of cardiologic consultation of older children were fainting (which was found in 126 patients – 30% among all directed to the consultation) and the chest pain that occurred in 109 children (23%). In the youngest group the most common congenital heart disease was suspected. Other symptoms such as hypertension, arrhythmia, and myocardial disease occurred less frequently. Conclusions: The heart defects were the most common cause of referrals to cardiology consultation in infants group, while in the group of older children the main cause of referral were fainting and chest pain. Urgent hospitalisation was required only by more or less 10% of patients referred for cardiac consultation, within infants who required it five times frequently than children over 10 years of age. " />

The reasons for cardiologic consultations during duty – analysis of own material

Agnieszka Skierska, Joanna Krzystolik-Ładzińska, Lesław Szydłowski
Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
Pediatr Med rodz Vol 7 Numer 4, p. 332-337
The aim of the study: Analyse the causes of children sent to cardiologic consultations during the duty. Material and methods: The study group consists of 432 children (226 girls and 206 boys, average 9.8 years), which in 2009-2010 were sent from emergency ward to cardiac consultation. The basic study of the circulatory system was performed: physical examination, electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. In some patients there were additional blood samples for laboratory tests and chest radiographs performed. The results were analysed in age groups (infants, younger children and older children) as well as in the category of symptoms that were the reason for referral (syncope, fainting, chest pain, symptoms of heart defects, arrhythmia, hypertension). Results: The most common group were older children (257 cases – 60%) and sequentially 96 younger children (22%) and 79 infants (18%). In the category of symptoms the most frequent cause of cardiologic consultation of older children were fainting (which was found in 126 patients – 30% among all directed to the consultation) and the chest pain that occurred in 109 children (23%). In the youngest group the most common congenital heart disease was suspected. Other symptoms such as hypertension, arrhythmia, and myocardial disease occurred less frequently. Conclusions: The heart defects were the most common cause of referrals to cardiology consultation in infants group, while in the group of older children the main cause of referral were fainting and chest pain. Urgent hospitalisation was required only by more or less 10% of patients referred for cardiac consultation, within infants who required it five times frequently than children over 10 years of age.
Słowa kluczowe
cardiologic consultation, children, emergency ward, chest pain, syncope

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