Autoimmunological diseases in medical practice

Dorota Szczeblowska1, Andrzej Hebzda1, Stanisław Wojtuń2

Affiliation and address for correspondence
Pediatr Med rodz Vol 7 Numer 3, p. 218-222

Autoimmunological diseases are becoming more common in everyday medical practice. It is a group of diseases which originate from coincidence of genetic and environmental factors. Autoimmunisation is an immunological reaction directed against organisms own antigene or group of antigenes. It is attributed to loss of distinguishing of own and else antigenes, which leads to destruction of body tissues. There are two main patomechanisms responsible for destruction of cells and tissues: cellular and humoral. Synergy of those mechanisms is responsible for occurrence of symptoms. Autoimmunological diseases occur in 3-8% of world population, more often in women. In recent years incidence of these diseases has been steadily rising. Occurrence increases with increase of latitude. They are characterised by chronic course with remissions and flares. They can result in disability or even death. Most diagnoses are established between puberty period, and retirement, so it affects mostly working people. Recently it has been noted that more than one autoimmunological disease can occur in one patient. This realisation can set physician on right course of diagnostic-therapeutic process, which facilitates right diagnosis and introduction of adequate treatment, which will hasten improvement of patients’ health and reduces sick absence. This paper is to remind of possibility of simultaneous occurrence of more than one autoimmunological disease.

autoimmunological disease, autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, antibodies, epitopes, antigens

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