Penile fracture with complete urethral rupture - case report

Leszek Bortnowski, Tomasz Ząbkowski, Tomasz Syryło, Rafał Jedynak, Henryk Zieliński

Affiliation and address for correspondence
Pediatr Med rodz Vol 5 Numer 1, p. 66-68

Penile fracture is an effect of impetuous penis flexure during erection. In 20-30% of cases trauma is combined with urethra damage. Penile fracture occurs most often during sexual intercourse, but it can be also result of injury and masturbation. Case report is about 33 years old man, who suffered from penile fracture with complete urethral rupture. Patient was admitted to Urology Department about 3 hours after sexual intercourse during which he felt penile sudden, severe pain. During hospital admission blood in the urethral orifice and penile swelling was present as well pathological penile curvature. On USG tunica albuginea rupture was diagnosed. Patient was qualified for emergency surgery. Before procedure urethrography was performed, which showed complete proximal urethral rupture. Intraoperatively this observation was confirmed as well corpora cavernosa fissure. After haematoma evacuation, corpora cavernosa were repaired and urethral stumps were connected end to end using Foley’s catheter. Suture skin ended procedure. No complications were observed just after surgery and during follow-up after one year. Patient has no micturition and erection problems. Diagnostic tools restricted in time but chosen properly and early surgery have provided good functional effect.

penis, fracture, urethral lesion, diagnosis, treatment

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